A couple
of years ago, How I Met Your Mother
had a reoccurring sub-plot about doppelgangers. I don’t remember the exact
details, but I do remember that, throughout the season, Marshall, Lily, Barney,
Ted and Robin were on the lookout for strangers who resembled their friends.
I see
doppelgangers all the time. I first noticed it when Yoni and I arrived on
island almost a year and a half ago; I would be driving on base or strolling in
American Village and all of a sudden, across the parking lot, I’d think I
recognized someone. And not someone I knew from Okinawa – not even someone I
was particularly close with at home. Just someone I would recognize walking
down the street in Forest Hills or on the Upper West Side.
In the
beginning, I’d have to consciously remind myself, “no, that’s probably NOT
so-and-so walking down the street. You live in Okinawa now.” After a while, though, I started to enjoy these
doppelganger sightings. They make me smile, and bring a (slightly strange)
sense of home to my daily life here. Today I saw the same doppelganger twice,
and was (almost) fooled both times. Talk about the power of suggestion.
I don’t
really have anything profound to say about this, except that obviously my brain
works in mysterious and oftentimes amusing ways. Maybe my subconscious is
trying to help me re-adjust to being in Okinawa after three weeks in the
States? Regardless, I hope these sightings continue. They really do make me
laugh every time. And who doesn’t need an unexpected laugh every once in a while?
You're so silly! I want to see your doppelganger walking down 5th avenue. Actually I want to see you!